Performance measure and targets across the Pillars of the Decade of Action for Road Safety
Global Road Safety Workshop ANB 10(8)
Convention Center, 101
Sunday, January 8, 2017
9:00AM to 12:00PM EST
09:00-09:15 Welcome and Overview
Kim Kolody Silverman, CH2M Hill
09:15-09:35 Global update and SDG 3.6
Claudia Adriazola-Steil, World Resources Institute
Natalie Draisin, FIA Foundation
08:35-09:50 Safety Management in Sweden (Pillar 1)
Dr. Johan Strandroth, Swedish Transport Administration
09:50-10:20 Global Street Design and Safety (Pillar 2)
Ankita Chachra and Skye Duncan
GDCI, National Association of City Transportation Officials
10:20-10:35 Discussion
Kim Kolody Silverman, CH2M Hill
10:35-10:50 BREAK
10:50-11:05 Roadmap for Safer Vehicles (Pillar 3)
David Ward, Global NCAP
11:05-10:20 Enforcement (Pillar 4)
Joanne E. Thomka, National Association of Attorneys General
11:20-11:35 Emergency Medical Services Compass (Pillar 5)
Dia Gainor,National Association of State EMS Officials
11:35-12:00 Discussion and Wrap Up
Dr. Offer Grembek, University of California, Berkeley (SafeTREC)
Sponserd by:
Global Road Safety Subcommittee ANB10(8)
Transportation Safety Management Committee ANB10
Transportation in Developing Countries ABE90
Traffic Law Enforcement ANB40
Occupant Protection ANB45
Roadside Safety Design AFB20
Related Files
Joanne Thomka Slides
Dia Gainor Slides
Workshop agenda
Claudia Adriazola-Steil Slides
Natalie Draisin Slides
Johan Strandroth Slides
Ankita Chachra Slides
Skye Duncan Slides
David Ward Slides